o v e r v i e w
Kalender / Availability:
ENGLISH - 3h together and 2h online shopping for you by your styling coach
DEUTSCH - 3h zusammen und 2h online Einkauf ohne Anwesenheit es Kunden
My A level in 2008 was a branding project about
a "made up" short-film-festival called
"LICHT[BLICK]*" (german for blink or ray of hope).
The brief demanded our final year group to
create a full identity about this festival including
logo, posters and prints in a short period of time.
It was totally up to us as designers what the
short-films were about, the content and how
the branding should look like. The only
commitment was it should look as abstract as
possible as well as a series that should form a
whole without using any images from the
internet, only our owns.
Short exposure time
When it becomes darker in the city it isn't
always easy for a photographer to "hold" the
image in order to achieve a focused picture.
But what else is there than this "perfect"
photography effect of focusing a picture?
Long exposure time
The answer is a long exposure were you get
this nice effect of dragging lights. This offers a
lot of experimentation where you never know
how the next picture will turn out, depending
on the light and the individual hand
Applying the brand
24 Bogen Plakate
The interesting part in this exercise was the
selection of the right images and the "image
detail". Which part is going to be shown?
The only retouching on these images was the
intensity of the colours
Applying these posters to various places and
poster-walls around the city but only virtual
was another task on our brief in order to see
how it's going to function and if it would be
strong enough as "eye-catchers" for cars and
Portrait posters
The different formats are part of the brief as
we were told it had to be a series of images
and posters including all the information and
details for the even.
The folder
Last but not least, we had to apply the whole
design to a program folder which should
include all the movies, articles, informations
and artists which join the short-film-festival.