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Aztec history
The Aztec Empire was peopled by a group that was
once nomadic, the Mexicas. Their chroniclers told
them that after their long journey from Aztlán, they
found themselves to be outcasts, until they found
the sign sent to them by their god Huitzilopochtli,
and began to build their city. And so the Mexica
peoples continued, and the Aztec Empire began.
The city of Tenochitlan was soon to become one of
the largest cities in the world. The aztec culture was one of the first people who developed a calendar system after a while the power of the
Mexica peoples became more consolidated, and
they began to form alliances. Their military power grew as well, and they began to conquer peoples in the surrounding areas.
At the height of its power, the Aztec Empire was organized and strong, but ruled with fear. In 1519, a clash of cultures was to take place, unlike anything before it. Although there was much tragedy in both the Spanish and Aztec empires before this, the meeting of the two civilizations was disastrous. In a few short years, the culture and structure of one of histories greatest empires would have virtually vanished.