o v e r v i e w
Kalender / Availability:
ENGLISH - 3h together and 2h online shopping for you by your styling coach
DEUTSCH - 3h zusammen und 2h online Einkauf ohne Anwesenheit es Kunden
Graz meets ℒondon
The Austrian advertising agency "Am Sonnendeck" is organizing a private
view together with graphic design student Kristin Katzer BA who is recently
working on her MAster degree @ the London College of Communication.
The vernissage on Wednesday the 22nd of August 2012 focused on Aztec
-pattern designs, which are printed with the technique of Screen printing in
an Austrian studio in St. Georgen. It is possible to buy various unique hand
-made, limited fabric designs such as pillows, bags and T-shirts in the
shop/gallery or in our Online Shop.
History & Culture
The making process / Screen printing
Drawing process / designs
Home sweet home
Advertising and promotion

Map / Graz / Austria / Mariahilfer str. 23

The Shop / Gallery
I'm happy to say the event was a full success all parts involved. It got
published in various Austrian magazines and we ended up with a lot of
inquiries about individual colour cominations of pillows and Tshirts to
The advertising agency Sonnendeck created a wonderful collaboration by
supporting different artists in their small Studio in the area of Lend in the city
Graz / Austria. This wonderful combination of aknowleging creativity
and encouraging ideas is definitely a step into the future to achieve cultural
developments on the next level.