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C a r n i v a l
W a l t D i s n e y ' s M a l e f i c e n t

Never underestimate the power of a broken

T h e
f a i r y t a i l
A slightly different version of the tale of Sleeping Beauty. It begins when in the forest near kingdom called the Moors, lives enchanted beings. One of them is a fairy named Maleficent who is kind and cares for all in the Moors. One day a human named Stefan enters the Moors. He is full of avarice and steals something. He is caught Maleficent helps him. He would spend a lot of time with her and they would grow close. One day he stops coming cause he sets to make his fortune. And later the King tries to attack the Moors but Maleficent stops him humiliating. He then offers his daughter and his kingdom to who can do away with Maleficent. And Stefan is one of his people. He goes and seeks Maleficent but can't kill her. Instead he takes her wings and gives them to the King. The King as promised gives him his daughter's hand and after the King passes away, Stefan is the new King. Maleficent would eventually learn of his marriage and later his wife gives birth to a daughter they name Aurora. When everyone in the Kingdom goes to pay their respects, Maleficent shows up and her gift to the princess is that on her 16th birthday she will prick her finger on the needle of a spindle and will fall into a death like sleep and can only be awaken by true love's kiss. The King would entrust Aurora to three pixies and they would assume human form and raise her in the forest; keeping her out of sight from Maleficent. But Maleficent would learn where Aurora is and would keep her from harm because she wants her to live long enough for the curse to be fulfilled. Aurora would grow and would think Maleficent is her fairy god mother, and they would bond.
As a beautiful young woman of pure heart, Maleficent (orignally Angelina Jolie, now me Kristin) has an idyllic life in a forest kingdom. When an invading army threatens the land, Maleficent rises up to become its fiercest protector. However, a terrible betrayal hardens her heart and twists her into a creature bent on revenge. She engages in an epic battle with the invading king's successor, then curses his newborn daughter, Aurora -- realizing only later that the child holds the key to peace in the kingdom.
R e m e m b e r :
T h e r e a r e
a l w a y s
t w o
s i d e s t o
e v e r y
s t o r y

Once upon a dream...
Photocredit Walt Disney
Photocredit Walt Disney