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ENGLISH - 3h together and 2h online shopping for you by your styling coach
DEUTSCH - 3h zusammen und 2h online Einkauf ohne Anwesenheit es Kunden
E d u c a t i o n s u m m a r y
c i t i e s I u s e d t o l i v e
L o n d o n
BA & MA degrees:
Studying 3 years at the London College of Communication and one additional year in order to enhance my BA killst in graphic and media design to finally reach the master degree. London truly was one of the greatest life lessons in terms of culture, art and design. I gained the skills of screen printing, letterpress, digital and analog photography plus working in a professional photography-studio. I graduated from the experimental typography course with the main focus on craft and process.
Living and woking in one of the most vibrant cities around this globe was one of the most exotic experiences so far. I enjoyed every single day at C7 design studio with a great international team to intensify my design skills. We developed websites, apps and display-windows around HK. I even got the chance to travel a few times to China, Shanghai and the create wall plus Macao during my work and travel experience.
H o n g
k o n g

Australia was the country I fell in love with. I travelled from Queensland down to Sydney and stayed a few months in Melbourne to expand my horizons and mind. I got the chance to work as a Freelance designer for a few companies who needed a create mind project-wise.
Living one year in the German capital city gave me the chance to work for an taff design studio (Studio38) were I got in touch with international brands such as Puma, Mini/BMW, VW and Emirates. I travelled to Amsterdam for the annual Panasonic trade show. However this beautiful city offered me the opportunity to change my professions so I started working for a fashion PR agency were I was working for the Berlin Fashion week and got in touch with designers and the fashion industry.
Click on the round Japan-flag logo below in order to see my exciting journey through Japan. This spiritual birthday adventure let me explore from Tokyo to Kyoto every single regen of this magical country and their histox.
Back in Austria I decided to learn the handcraft of sewing from theory to practice. At the school of fashion in the 9th district at Michelbeuern I got the chance to design and sew my very first woman-collection all by myself. I learned the skill of sectional drawing and in my final year we even go to study the old english tailoring skills for male fashion design.

Oct.2018 - Dec.2019:
Moved to the other side of our planet and had the honor of working for one of the most powerful fashion empires in the history of fashion:
V i e n n a