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f r e e l a n c e D E S I G N I N G
Having the honor to work for Austria's most successful and world-wide-known company Red Bull as a freelance designer. I'm proud to be involved in the newest inventions and technology projects. During these collaboration-projects I'm the point of intersection between their technology and the fashion industry.
Got curious? TOP SECRET
For my latest inventions, prototypes and design please don't hesitate to contact me. This way, I would like to demonstrate the fact that I highly respect Red Bull‘s nondisclosure rule in any professional way possible!
Having the honor of being invited to Sydney's Red Bull HQ in Alexandria,
was one of the highlight of my stay in Australia. Not only managing and crafting projects from a new base such as Down Under, but meeting one of the most incredible Aussie colleges.
In case you got curious, please do not hesitate to drop me an email about my working experience on the other side of the globe.