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MA visual summary
The visual summary is a synopsis of all the work processes,
developments, experiments I created during my journey on the MA
final project. It is a more visual publication than the report and
involve a lot of layout skills as well as written comments about
different developing stages, problems and improvements. Not every
failed experiment is a failure because from these stages you gain
experience as well which leads you further to a more appropriate
It is more or less a designed and clean version of a sketchbook.
The book-cover is made out of real wood which is dyed darker so that
the engrave laser cut/engrave typography comes out even stronger.
Binding: Hand made coptic bookbinding technique.

MA Report writing / History / Analysis
My final MA major project report is the theory behind my final
outcome. Research can be visual but also very complex and analytical.
There needs to be a reason for every step you do, every design decision
and choice in the various compositions, layouts, developments and
The format is a bit smaller than the A4 visual summery > A5.
The structure is a lot more detailed as there is more to read about and
less images. Theories such as Semiotics are used to explain the
relationship between text, image and symbols.
At this stage of reflecting my work, I actually found out about the real
purpose of my project which is CRAFT & PROCESS. It's was all about the
developments and stages until you finally reach your result.