o v e r v i e w
Kalender / Availability:
ENGLISH - 3h together and 2h online shopping for you by your styling coach
DEUTSCH - 3h zusammen und 2h online Einkauf ohne Anwesenheit es Kunden

c o n t a c t
p h o n e : + 4 3 6 6 0 1 2 6 0 1 7 0
e m a i l : k r i s t i n . k a t z e r @ g m a i l . c o m
i n s t a g r a m : v e r i t a s k a t z e
b i o g r a p h y
Kristin Verita was born in Graz / Austria but discovered soon her passion for graphic and media design in order to study 4 years in London. Art and design has alway played a huge roll in her life. After finishing her BA and MA at the London college of Communication, she decided to move first to Hong Kong, in this vibrant city, Kristin worked for a design Studio named C7Design and after a work and travel-trip to Australia, she decided to move in the heart of Gemany's capital city Berlin. Working for a famous design studio Studio38, she had the opportunity to work for international clients such as PUMA, BMW, VW and Panasonic. However, something always didn't seem to be quite right and after revealing her passion for the fashion industry she accepted an offer, which turned out to be a great opportunity to work for a fashion PR agency named absolutionPR. This was the beautiful beginning of following her destiny and getting in touch with numerous fashionables, such as Franzsiksa Michael, for who she worked in summer 2015, Collective Woman. Made and the english label Alice's Pig, for whom she travelled to China with. Work and travel is Kristin's deepest zeal.
After realized Verita had to come back to the designing aspect of the fashion industry, she decided to come back to Austria in order to start her study at the fashion school Michelbeuern to actual learning the proper way of tailoring. A lot of designers in fashion can't even sew, but it's a vital skill to know what you are talking about when it comes to the creating process. After 3 years of developing her knowledge and practical skills, Kristin graduated from the female and men's tailoring course in in 2017. Red Bull saw her talents immediately and hired here for various design projects for the Red Bull Media House in Salzburg, were she built the design chain between fashion and technology until today.
In 2019, Verita moved to Sydney / Australia where the PRADA Group discovered her fashion talent. After entering the luxury fashion world and using her Australian Visa to the fullest, Kristin decided to move back to the creative capital Berlin in order to apply her new skills and experience into the European fashion sector. After collaborating closely together with various fashion stylist freelance designs for the FW22 Alpha Tour Collection by Red Bull, Kristin is working as a self-employed fashion stylist, personal shopper and creative Art Director for Human Centris Innovators.
For more details, projects or request - please don't hesitate to contact me directly.
Fashion School Vienna