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ENGLISH - 3h together and 2h online shopping for you by your styling coach
DEUTSCH - 3h zusammen und 2h online Einkauf ohne Anwesenheit es Kunden
I N T E R N S H I P - F r a n z i s k a M i c h a e l S S 1 6
It was an honour for me having the chance to work side by side with (in my oppinion) one of the most creative and talented fashion designers of our time, Franziska Michael. Graduating from the ESMOD in Berlin, she built up her business all by herself and her show at the Berlin fashion week is always good for a surprise as she really but a lot of effort&creativity into her Stage-Runway combination-shows. The courage of working with difficult material-combinations and printing her own designs on fabric makes her collections to a unique and midblowing scenario.
The SS16 collection involved a lot of unusual material-combinations again such as fake gras, latex-leather, jeans, stiff mesh-grids & most notably her own designed prints in a kaleidoskop-style. The leather & jeans-designs involve laser-engrave parts of her logo & her one of the coats where made from a flexible-plastic material with her logo sprayed onto in neon colours. One of her "special effects" during the show was the black-light as she started her show while it was completely dark.
The sewing/manufacturing process was great fun, eventho it involed long working-hours a couple of days before the show, but I even got the chance to be involved in the Model-casting process in order to find the right Models for the Runway.