o v e r v i e w
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Our task was to use at least 50% wool in one of our first skirt-creation. Everything else, from the design, detail & cut was our own choice & responsibility. After accomplishing the sectional-drawing-stageI, I mainly focused on the colourful aspect of the design.I decided to go for a tonal version from brown to copper which had a black waistband & side-stripes at the side-seam. The manufacturing process appeared to be quite challanging as the two different materials shift apart very easily while sewing. The bottom margin is hemstitched.
t h e p l a y f u l i n t e r a c t i o n
b e t w e e n w o o l a n d j e r s e y
t h e s k i r t
l o o k b o o k s h o o t i n g
g a l l e r y
Model: Elisa Berger
Photography & Graphic: Christian Ertlbauer & Gregor Fotograpfie
Location: School of fashion
Michelbeuern / Vienna