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During my summer in Berlin I was very excited to get the change of working side by side with one of the most brilliant jewellery-designers of Berlin's most upcoming Kiez: Neukölln. I had the great honour to come up with a few bag-designs for Stephanie Johne, the founder of Collective Woman.Made, as she wanted to expant her accessorize-range & even start working 

on the prototypes which involve her recognisably tube-elements of her necklaces.

I felt right at home when I stepped into her cosy little studio-flat which was transformed into a workshop-area, which she shared with the talented fashion designer Birke van Maartens...with whom I got the chance to work as well!


The German rappers Afrob and Samy Delux were planning on their new music video with the titel

 "Mensch gegen Maschine" and I was privileged to assist the fashion designer Birke with various areas of this project. First of all, we went to the fabric market in Kreuzberg, where we bought all the textiles in order to sew the outfits. Afterwards, I  went to the grafitti-store to buy the spray-paint for the trousers as Birke decided to go for specific camouflage look, which was quite fun to create and spray onto.

The collection had to be done in less than a month and after everything was ready-to-wear we even got the chance to be part of the shooting day itself. The movie-set was quite impressiv, everything and everyone was very professional. It took over the whole day before you achieve just a couple of actual music-video-minutes. Our functions were to change the outfits on Afrob and Samy Delux for every scene, plus keeping an eye how everything looks during the filming so nothing askew. I found it very interesting and felt highly honoured to see specifically how each scene was shoot when you work behind the scenes.

T H E  M U S I C  V I D E O 


B E H I N D  T H E   S C E N E S


W O R K  A N D  T R A V E L


m a k i n g   o f f  /  s k e t c h b o o k  w o r k

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