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The unusual side of Victoria
W e l c o m e t o t h e h i d d e n s i d e o f M e l b o u r ne
As very close friends of my family live in Melbourne it was a pleasure returning to this beauty city after 7 years. I used to live 3 Month with them back when I just graduated from my masters degree in London.
In case you'll ever get too travel to this magnificent location, please make sure you'll also take a ride a bit further outside. In order to enjoy Victoria's (state) coast. Cape Shanck is under my top 10 of hidden day trips around Melbourne.

I always found it fascinating how you can either love Melbourne OR Sydney. See both of these cities have their pro's and cons.
Melbourne for example has a fantastic music scene and nightlife along other highlights butSydney is the absolute King when it comes to the combination between the huge city life and the beaches. Having several city beaches with waves for even advanced surfers or the huge northern beaches just a short car-or fairy ride away is pure freedom!